About Us

Onyx Trauma Healing Center was founded by  was created by Kelly Baker, LMFT #118442 to address the challenges to access behavioral health services and trauma healing in Hanford. As a mother and mental health professional, I experienced how difficult it was to get mental health services for my children. I experienced therapists in Hanford and Visalia had waitlist, only offered traditional business hours or were not culturally sensitive to our needs. I realized my needs for services were shared by other mothers, friends and family members. I were tired of taking time off from work, pulling my kids out of school to drive to Fresno for services. I wanted services in my own community! I also found that services specific to trauma healing like Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), Brainspotting, and Trauma Informed Yoga were limited or unavailable. These treatment modalities have been shown to be effective in healing trauma.

The Mission of Onyx Trauma Healing Center is Two-Fold:

The First Prong is to create access to trauma healing by providing EMDR, Trauma-Informed Yoga, counseling, life coaching and groups in Hanford for individuals, couples and families during non-traditional business hours and in non-traditional setting.  Our approach to care is “What Ever It Takes, Client Driven and Client Specific.”

The Second Prong is to “Grow Our Own Wellness Professionals. ” By collaborating, supporting and coaching wellness and mental health professionals who are trauma-informed and interested in collaborating with other skilled Wellness professionals.

Our Vision

Our Vision

To create a trauma healing center in Hanford where people who’s lives have been impacted by trauma to be supported by  healers that embrace the principals of Integrity, Cultural Humility, Connectedness, Wellness and Recovery.

That Onyx Trauma Healing Center  works collaboratively with individuals, teenagers, families and couples that are seeking services that are trauma informed, culturally sensative and inclusive of spirituality. Services including mental health therapy, Life Coaching, Mindfullness, Meditation, Trauma Informed Yoga,  Women Empowerment Workshops and Wellness Retreats.

To build a collabortive support system for healers, wellness and mental health professionals with mentorship, support, clinical training while increasing our community’s access to behavioral health services.

History Behind The Name

The concept of “Sankofa” is derived from King Adinkera of the Akan people of West Africa. “Sankofa” is expressed in the Akan language as “se wo were fi na wosan kofa a yenki.” Literally translated, this means “it is not taboo to go back and fetch what you forgot”. We must go back to our roots to move forward.